Diet Industry Calendar - Week One

Christmas is over, and eating is grotesque. Unsurprisingly, there is only one solution - chug some caffeine and shit yourself thin.

At least, that appears to be SkinnyMint's idea of a good time. The Singapore-based laxative vendor is truly in its element at this time of year, relying on heavily airbrushed images of the chronically dehydrated and miserably underfed.

"Babes", they're called. And you can be one, too.

Playing on one of the most overused and misunderstood words in the marketing industry, SkinnyMint's "teatox" products will purge your body of excess fluids, while fuelling your brain with an anxiety-ridden shot of cheap, legal stimulants. Cheap for them, of course, not you.

At nearly $30 for a two-week supply, it's one of the finest imitations of food poisoning money can buy.


